In India too we find people with the name Pul.

In Northeastern India ,in the state Arunachal Pradesh (red circle) , close to the Chinese border, we find the Miju Mishmi, also known as Kaman or Kammaan.
They are one of the three tribes of the Mishmi people of Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh.
Members of this tribe are located in Anjaw and Lohit district.
The Miju clans claim to have come from the Kachin country of Burma.
They speak languages of the Midzu branch of Tibeto-Burman.
One of its clans ( family's ) is called Pul.
According to theirs legends long, long tome ago two brothers, Duso and Mali moved from the Mishmi Hills of Dabang and went uphill and settled in the higher parts of the Hawai regio on the Lohit river. Now known as the Anjaw district. Duso started the Pul clan and Mali the Chiba clan.
Together they are known as the Miju Mishmi.
See underneat the charming video by Shiva Tells.
The Miju Mishmi are a colorful, creative and musical people.