This is the startpage of the search for
the family Pul
The purpose of this site is: - to research the origin of the familyname Pul - to search and research the word/name Pul in it's various meanings and ways of writing it. - to find as many people as possible with the familyname Pul and to document possible relationships and/or family-ties. Based on the data below from and the various meanings (see: Names ), I think we should at least distinguish between branches of European , African and various Asian origin. Uptill now, 01/30/2025 we have discovered and documented nine different branches (tak). Seven Europian , one African and one Asian. The oldest one from early medieval Germany in the area between Berlin and the Oder river : the "von Pfuhle" family. The other six from medieval Lűbeck and Thorn (nowadays Torun in Poland) , one from Estonia, and from the Netherlands resp. from the North-Veluwe, the Valley, the province of Groningen and Amsterdam. There are clues that the Amsterdam branch originates from the Valley branch . But sofar the direct link , between 1710 and 1790, has not been found The African branch comes from Tamale in Ghana. The Asian branch comes from Anjaw en Lohit district, Arunachal Pradesh in India. Whether there is any relationship between these nine we have not been able to establish sofar. We know of other existing groups in Bialystok (Poland) and in Instanbul (Turkye) and Croatia. Since we have no further information or contact with these groups we have not mentioned them in the rest of the site . If you belong to one of these , or may be to an as yet unkown group , please contact us.
I do my utmost to verify the information on this site. If, however you find incorrect or lacking information or if you have new or additional information, please contact me
Here under a map by showing the distribution of the surname Pul all over the world with underneat a list of numbers per country as on August 1st, 2024. According to Forebears there are about 9542 humans on the world with the surname Pul.
country, numbers frequency ranking
list on August 1st, 2024