Family tree of family Nijhof


Thanks to Genealogy B. Zwanepol [ 22 ]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We can assume from his name that his father was called Brandt. I. Arndt Brandts , born(*) estimated between 1461 and 1465 in Garderen He lived on the estate Wyncoop near Barneveld and was the owner of 't Soll near Garderen 1: Willem Aerts ( 1493/1510 - ? ) see further II. II. Willem Aerts(en) , born(*) estimated around 1493 (or around 1510). He married unknown(?) between 1505 and 1510. One child is known from this marriage. 1: Willem Willemsen ( 1510 - ? ) see further III. III. Willem Willemsen , born(*) between 1510 and 1520. He married a woman from the estate Wijnkoop (van Wijncoep) under Barneveld between 1535 and 1540. They lived on 't Sol ('t Zol) near Garderen. Three children are known from this marriage. 1: Johan Willems(en) 't Sol ( 1525 -<1601 ) see further IV. 2: Hendrik Willemsen ( 1540 - ? ) 3: Willem Willemsen ( 1540 - ? ) IV. Johan Willems(en) van 't Sol, born(*) around 1525 (or around 1530) in Garderen . He married (oo) in 1557 (or <1558) with Geertjen Gijsberts. Five children are known from this marriage. He died(+) before 1601. 1: Evert Jansen ( ? -<1601 ) 2: NN Jans ( ? -<1601 ) 3: Gijsbert Jans(en) van 't Sol ( 1557 -<1635 ) see further V. 4: Aaltje Jans ( 1570 ->1610 ) 5: Grietje Jans ( 1570 ->1610 ) V. Gijsbert Jans(en) van 't Sol, born(*) around 1557. He married(oo) in 1595 ( or <1590) with Evertgen Giesberts.( or Gijsberts) Three children are known from this marriage. He died(+) before 9 December 1635. 1: Jan Gijsberts ( 1589 -<1635 ) 2: Rijck Gijsberts ( 1589 - ? ) 3: Gijsbert Gijsberts van 't Sol( 1601 -<1674 ) see further VI. VI. Gijsbert Gijsberts van 't Sol , born(*) around December 1601 in Garderen. He was an elder and churchwarden of the church in Garderen. He married(oo) in the church in Garderen in 1645 with Gerritjen Brandts. Three children are known from this marriage. He died(+) before November 1675 (or <1674). 1: Evert Gijsberts van 't Sol ( 1645 -<1694 ) see further VII. 2: Grietjen Gijsberts ( 1645 - ? ) 3: Brant Gijsbertsen van 't Sol ( ? - ? ) VII. Evert Gijsberts van 't Sol , born(*) around 1645. He married(oo) in 1670 with Gerbrich Beerts in Elspeet . Four children are known from this marriage. He died(+) before June 1694. 1: Cleas Evertsen op 't Sol ( 1662 - 1727 ) 2: Beert Evertsen ( 1671 -<1742 ) 3: Evertje Everts van 't Sol ( 1672 - ? ) 4: Frank Evertsen van 't Sol ( 1685 - 1759 ) see further VIII. VIII.Frank Evertsen van 't Sol, born(*) around 1685 on 't Sol near Garderen. He was a farmer. He married(oo) Reijntjen Rijks on March 16th, 1704 in the church in Garderen. He was 19 years old at the time. Seven children are known from this marriage. He died(+) in July 1759. He was 74 years old at the time. 1: Evert Franken ( 1704 - ? ) 2: Rijck Franken ( 1707 - 1743 ) 3: Aaltje Franken ( 1709 -<1750 ) 4: Beert Franken ( 1712 - ? ) 5: Hendrik Franken Nijhof ( 1717 - ? ) see further under IX. 6: Gerbrig Franken van 't Sol ( 1722 - 1762 ) 7: Gijsbert Franken van den Heuvel( 1734 - 1800 ) IX. Hendrik Franken Nijhof, born(*) in Garderen. He was baptized(o) on February 21nd, 1717 in Garderen. He was a farmer. He married(oo) Grietje Aarts on September 6th, 1772, in church. Seven children are known from this marriage. He died(+) : unknown. 1: Reijntjen Hendriks Nijhof ( 1772 - ? ) 2: Reijntjen Hendriks Bouwers ( 1774 - ? ) 3: Hendrikjen Hendriks Nijhof ( 1777 - ? ) 4: Frank Hendriksen Nijhof ( 1778 -<1843 ) see further under X. 5: Aart Hendriksen Nijhof ( 1781 - 1859 ) 6: Gijsbert Franken Nijhof ( 1785 - 1861 ) 7: Gijsbert Hendriks Nijhof ( 1786 - ? ) X. Frank Hendriksen Nijhof, born(*) July 1st, 1778 in Garderen . He was baptized(o) on July 5th, 1778 in Garderen. He married(oo) with Reijntje Hendriks Brouwer in the church on October 1st, 1802 in Garderen. He was 25 years old at the time. Six children are known from this marriage. He died(+) July 25th, 1817 in Garderen. He was 40 years old at the time. 1: Hendrik Franken Nijhof ( 1803 -<1804 ) 2: Hendrik Franken Nijhof ( 1804 - 1861 ) 3: Hendrikus Franken Nijhof ( 1806 - 1866 ) 4: Beert Franken Nijhof ( 1811 - 1867 ) 5: Gijsbert Franken Nijhof ( 1815 - 1841 ) 6: Frank Hendriksen Nijhof ( 1817 - 1892 ) see further under XI. XI. Frank Hendriksen Franken Nijhof, born(*) October 28th, 1817 in Barneveld. Occupation: farmer. He married(oo) to Jacobje van den Berg (born(*) 9 December 1825 in Ermelo, died(+) 16 January 1876) on November 28th,1851 in Ermelo. Eight children are known from this marriage. He died(+) on January 17th, 1892 in Uddel. He was 74 years old at the time. He lies burried in Garderen. 1: Frank Nijhof ( 1852 - 1927 ) 2: Wilhelmina Nijhof ( 1854 - 1927 ) see further under XII. 3: Rijntje Nijhof ( 1856 - 1890 ) 4: Goosen Nijhof ( 1859 - ? ) 5: Heintje Nijhof ( 1862 - 1939 ) 6: Hendrikje Nijhof ( 1864 - 1924 ) (follow link) 7: Willem Nijhof ( 1867 - 1943 ) 8: Jacob Nijhof ( 1871 - 1894 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

About a King who abuses his subject.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a hot, sunny day that day in July 1853. In Ouwendorp, too, people were busy harvesting rye. The men from Ouwendorp, 't Sol and Meerveld mowed the rye with the saw and pickaxe and laid it on a swell. The older women followed and tied a bunch of five or six ears together into a sheaf. The rye was long this year and was also tied together at the top. The younger women and older children collected the sheaves and put them perpendicularly against each other in groups of eight or ten to dry further. They had already mowed most of it when they saw a company on horseback approaching across the field. From the men who walked with the company, the beaters, they deduced that it was a hunting party. They breathed a sigh of relief. The company rode around the still standing rye. And then it sounded "the King". The men took off their caps and dried their foreheads and necks with the red handkerchief. The women straightened their skirts, buttoned their blouses a little tighter and arranged their hair. The company reached the then still existing main road from Garderen via Ouwendorp towards Milligen and approached the group of farmers and farm wives who had gathered together. They greeted the company submissively. Suddenly the King's eye fell on the pretty Jacobje van den Berg, wife of Frank H. Nijhof for many years. She had given birth to little Frank the year before but had quickly regained her slim figure. The King jumped from his horse and threw the reins into the hands of one of the drivers. Without saying a word he grabbed Jacobje's arm and pulled her along behind a sheaf of rye. She struggled and shouted NO, I am a married woman and mother of a child. That was to no avail. After a few moments it became almost silent behind the sheaf. Frank H. Nijhof had watched all this with horror and as if nailed to the ground. He wanted to intervene but was stopped by the other farmers. And while the other "Gentlemen" with their hunting rifles kept the farmers at a distance, the King, as it was then called, "took his pleasure". He assaulted and raped Jacobje van den Berg. After about ten minutes the King emerged again, buttoning his fly. He jumped on his horse and the company left again in the direction from which they had come. The older women walked around the sheaf and found Jacobje, unconscious with her skirts up, between the stubble. The younger women held back the children and men, especially Frank. That way he was not allowed to see her. The older women took Jacobje to the farm about a hundred meters away where they cleaned her and brought her back to her senses. Frank was taken away by an older farmer. He had to calm down first before he saw her again. The other farmers continued to harvest the rye in silence. Frank never blamed his Jacobje for being raped and Jacobje never blamed Frank for not intervening. She fully realized that it had cost him his life. In the following year, nine months later, in April 1854, Wilhelmina was born, a daughter of Jacobje van den Berg and King Willem III, King of the Netherlands[ 23 ] , also known as the Brut or the Gorilla. Frank and Jacobje raised her as their own daughter. "A child is not to blame" said Frank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was told to me, in the early seventies, by my father Wouter Pul who had heard it in his younger years from the then still living eyewitnesses. In the Nijhof household, the great misfortune that had befallen the family that day in July 1853 was never spoken of again. But Jacobje never became the cheerful woman she had been before. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All this happened at the farm now known as "Ouwendorperhoeve". This farm played an important role in the drama series "de Zussen" [ 24 ] that was aired on Dutch television in the spring of 2024. None of the actors and actresses had any idea of the real drama that had taken place here 170 years before. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII. Wilhelmina Nijhof (Mina), born(*) April 8th, 1854 in Ouwendorp, she was baptized on May 14th, 1854 in Garderen . She married(oo) with Aart Gerritsen, before the law, on October 13th, 1877 in Apeldoorn and on October 14th,1877 in the church in Garderen. She was 23 years old at the time. She is a daughter to Frank Hendriksen Nijhof and Jacobje van den Berg. She died on June 23th, 1927, she was 73 years old at the time. Six children are known from this marriage: 1: Evert Gerritsen ( 1877 - ? ) 2: Jacobje Gerritsen ( 1880 - 1939 ) 3: Aartje Gerritsen ( 1883 - 1958 ) 4: Evertje Gerritsen ( 1886 - 1936 ) 5: Reintje Gerritsen ( 1890 - 1976 ) 6: Wilhelmina Gerritsen ( 1893 - 1966 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks to Genealogy B. Zwanepol [ 22 ]
