The Amsterdam Branch

 I.  Cornelis Pul , born(*) about(?) 1764 in Amsterdam.
        Married(oo) with Ariaantje Schuurman. Occupation: porter.
        From this marriage:
          1. Maria Pul.
          2. Johanna Pul.
          3. Maria Pul.
          4. Johannes Pul.
          5. Jan Pul. see II.
          and jet 2 others unknown. 
 II. Jan Pul, born(*) September 18th, 1791 in Amsterdam. Sun of Cornelis Pul
        and Ariaantje Schuurman. Married(oo) with Anna Hendrika ten Hietbrink.
        Occupation:  : porter .
        From this marriage:
          1. Adriana Sofie Pul.
          2. Grietje Pul.
          3. Anna Hendrika Pul.
          4. Paulus Johannes Pul. see III. 
          5. Matje Pul
III. Paulus Johannes Pul , born(*) July 11th, 1825 in Amsterdam. Son of
        Jan Pul and Anna Hendrika ten Hietbrink. Married with(oo) met Johanna Wilhelmina 
        Haakenhout. Occupation : woodtrader . Lived: Schans 168 , A'dam.
        Died(+) about(?) 1889.
        From this marriage: 
          1. Paulus Johannes Pul.
          2. Johanna Wilhelmina Pul.
          3. Johanna Wilhelmina Pul.
          4. Jan Pul. see  IV.
 IV. Jan Pul , born(*) July 6th, 1856 in Amsterdam. Son of Paulus Johannes Pul and 
        Johanna Wilhelmina Hakenhout. Lived 2e Laurierdwarsgracht 45 te Amsterdam. 
        Occupations : newspaper deliverer, woodturner and shopkeeper.		
        Married(oo) with : Anna Maria Sophia Hartman.
        Married(oo) with : Gezina Johanna Herdrika Derjeu.
        From this marriage:
          1. Johanna Gezina Hendrika Pul.
          2.  Paulus (Paul) Pul. [ 27 ] geboren(*) 28 maart 1883 te Amsterdam,  born(*) November 28th, 1883 in Amsterdam, 
             died(+) May 24th, 1954 in The Hague . Buried : Barneveld.
             Occupations : woodworker , electricien , bariton-bas and musicteacher. 
             Married(oo) with : Elisabeth Margaretha Meuwsen from 19911 till 1918.
             Married(oo) with : Hendrika van de Beek . From 1922.
             Occupations : woodworker , electricien , bariton-bas and leader of a choir.
Paul Pul in 1916
Paul Pul in 1916
Paul Pul as Faust 1917-1918
Paul Pul as Faust 1917-1918
Paul Pul 65 in 1948
Paul Pul , 65 in 1948
          3. Jan Pul , born(*) May 19th , 1887 in Amsterdam. Died(+) August 23rd, 1887.
          4. Jan Pul Jr. , born(*) October 31th, 1888 in Amsterdam.
             Owner of a men's hat store on the Muntplein in Amsterdam from 1912 till 1970.
             ( on which nr. is not clear  4 of 5 ?.)
             In 1962 hij handed his miljionste hat to the actor  Guus Oster.
Hat store around 1923
Hat store for gents , Muntplein , around 1923.
Hat doctor 1952
Hat doctor , 1952.
          5. Gezina Johanna Hendrika Pul. Geboren(*) 4 november 1890 te Amsterdam

A.o. with thanks to Han Mohrs.