the ruins "Pfuhle"
51°44'40.3"N 11°43'16.9"E
After, in the Saxonwars (804), the Saxons were beaten and subdued, the eastern border of the Holy Roman Empire was situated along the Elbe and Saale rivers. Because of this the need arose to construct defensive buildings along these waters. Specially against "the Sorben" on the eastside of these rivers but in particular also against "the Ungarns" who formed a serious threat for the eastern parts of the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore various fortifications and watchtowers were constructed along these rivers. In de Saale , about 45km southeast of Magdenburg , opposite a cutoff meander, on the eastside of the river you will find, nowadays, the ruins of one of these. Over the centuries the Saale river moved its waterways more to the west. While the eastern river bed the "Kuhfurtersaale" sanded up, the western bed, with large meanders thru a swampy area, got more water. At a later date these meanders were cutoff to make the river more navigable. The latest in 1933.
Castle "Pfuhle" was constructed on the eastside of the main river bed , at the time , the Kuhfurtersaale in a swampy wetland. Moats were constructed parallel and at an angle with the river.
But it's also well possible , in light of the drawing here under , that the castle was build on the westside of the Saale inside a bend in de river which was later dug thru to complete the moat. (see : H.Frank)

On October 9th , 2022 I have visited the ruins . Sadly enough not much is left of the castle.
All that can be seen is a pile of rubble : bricks , natural stones and hardend loam and lime with ditches surrounding it.

And a sign with information on the ruin.

Yet more information in : Pfule haus PDF
If you want to visit the ruins, I advise you to bring high boots, thick clothing and a sturdy stick. The thick clothing; although it is only 150 to 200 meters from the main road to the sign, the path that once existed has grown quite over. So you have to make your way through the overgrown bushes. High boots; I was there when it had been very dry but I could see that it is normally very muddy and wet. A sturdy stick: In the dried-up Kuhfurtersaale I could see the back and paw prints of wild boars. Especially when they have young, they can be quite aggressive.