
And allthough it seems likely that this is the same family Pfuel as in the Lebus area , sofar no supporting documents have been found.
Possibly an other group of people from castle Pfuhle or it's direct surroundings settled in or near Wismar and also took the name from their regio of origin.
It is also possible that these people took the name of the isle of "Poele" on which they settled.
But the isle of Poele could also have adopted the name of it's most important family Pfuhle.

- Around 1150 the Pfuel settled in Mecklenburg near Wismar (probably on the isle of Poel ).
- In 1229 a Berent and in 1247 an abbot from Pfule were "gloriously introduced " by Johann I of Mecklenburg.
- In 1260 became , a Hildbrandt von Pfuel , shortly after the city was founded, the first known mayor of Wismar .