What's New

On this page we are showing , starting July 2024 , what is new and where what has changed on the site . :

August 28th, 2024
  Added a link to a pdf file on the hause Pfuhle in German on page the ruin "Pfuhle" . Added links to Wikipedia on von Pfuel family and Pfuelenland. And updated the Links page.

August 24th, 2024
  The piece about the von Pfuel family on the page about the ruin "Pfuhle" transferred to the page von Pfuel family And added a piece of advice on visiting the ruins on the page the ruin "Pfuhle"

August 21th, 2024
  Added the new page the ruin "Pfuhle" And transfered there the contents of family von Pfuel. Adapted the page Germany . Added new inter links.

August 20th, 2024
  Op the Startpage added new insights. And added new "automatic" date.

August 9th, 2024
  Added on page Family Tree Nijhof content. And added interlinks. Added external links to Link Page.

August 1st, 2024
  Added on page Familytree Frens a picture of "merklap" by Lijsje Huisman under Aart Frens. Added interlinks between pages. Added empty page Familytree Nijhof . Added on the Startpage information from Forebears.io .

July 30th , 2024
  Added on page Patriarch Pul various family pictures of Wouter Pul V-a and Klaas Pul VI-a . Thanks to Klaas Pul from Zwaag ( Sorry Klaas , lost the data because of a crash. Found them again recently on a back-up )

July 25th , 2024
  On page The Ancients added detail from baptize register 1667 from Ermelo . Removed various old tags. Added latest SSI improvements.

July 23th , 2024
  Added the What's New Page. This Page.
Added Link to Geneology Zwanepol on Frens Family Tree [ 21 ]

July 20th , 2024

From the beginning of 2024 we are bussy implementing SSI ( Server Side Includes ) on our site. This to be able to maintain the site more easily . It will take some time to change all page's of the site . "This is a cookie free site" is a not yet changed page .